"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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Letters from the Superior Generals


Gabrielle Aymer de la Chevalerie :
Jeanne Cadiou (1994-2006)   (see French)
Rosa Ferreiro   (2006-2012)
Letter 1 Letter 2 Letter 3 Letter 4
Letter 5 Letter 6 Letter 7 Letter 8
Letter 9 Letter 10 Letter 11 Letter 12
Letter 13 Letter 14 Letter 15 Letter 16
Letter 17 Letter 18 Letter 19 Letter 20
Letter 21 Letter 22 Letter 23 Letter 24
Letter 25 Letter 26 Letter 27 Letter 28
Letter 29 Letter 30 Letter 31 Letter 32
Letter 33 Letter 34 Letter 35 Letter 36
Letter 37 Letter 38 Letter 39  
Letter about Good Mother 2011  Final letter August 2012
Emperatriz Arrobo (2012- 2018)
INFO 01  The Congregation is a need of the Heart of Jesus
INFO 02   I am standing at the door and knocking
INFO 03   Walk where there is no road, the road is made by walking
INFO 04   Rekindle the gift that God has placed in you (2 Tim 1,6) 
INFO 05   Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked to us on the road?
INFO 06   Women who generate lif
INFO 07   Giving life our particular Sacred Hearts way
INFO 08   Faith
INFO 09   Following Jesus: a response in fidelity
INFO 10   Trust
INFO 11   Newness of life
INFO 12   The resilience
INFO 13   A Spirituality for Leadership
INFO 14   Servant Leadership
INFO 15  The service of Authority in the Bible
INFO 16   Companions of Grace 
INFO 17   Choose life and you will live
INFO 18   A time of Grace
INFO 19   Get up, pick up your sleeping mat and walk
INFO 20   All that we have seen and heard we proclaim
INFO 21   Born again
INFO 22   Discernment as an attitude of life
INFO 23   Change of Heart
INFO 24   Put out into deep water
INFO 25   Credible Witnesses of His Resurrection
INFO 26   Life-Giving Communities
INFO 27   A convincing and full life
INFO 28   Serving the Gospel
INFO 29   To live the present with passion
INFO 30   Hope does not deceive
INFO 31   Yes to Life
INFO 32   Fix your eyes on Jesus
INFO 33   Uncertainty
INFO 34   Alleluia
INFO 35   Common Vocation and Mission
INFO 36   Building wells
INFO 37   Give to gain
INFO 38   The same spirit
INFO 39   Joy and fervour always go together (G.M.)
INFO 40   Building together
INFO 42   The Lord is faithful
INFO 43   To live from the newness of God
INFO 44   The Primacy of Love
INFO 45   Servants of the Good God
INFO 46   Consecrated to Redemptive Love
INFO 47   Trust in me
INFO 48   Here I am, send me
INFO 49   A founding experience
INFO 50   Hope
INFO 51   Led by the Spirit
INFO 52   Looking after life
INFO 53   In the service of the Gospel
INFO 54   Come and see
INFO 55   Thank you

            Patricia Villarroel (2018-2024)

INFO 56   Impelled by the Spirit
INFO 57   Recreate the Mission
INFO 58   Vision and Mission SS.CC.
INFO 59   Our commitment can change the world: Humanize Life (I)
INFO 60   Our commitment makes the world better: situation of poverty
                 and vulnerability (II)
INFO 61   The condition of women (I)
INFO 62   Our commitment can change the world: work for the dignity of women (II)
INFO 63   Our commitment can make the world better: Take care of the common house (I)
INFO 64   Our commitment can make the world better: Take care of the common house (II)
INFO 65   Our commitment can make the world better: Promoting Migrant's rights (I)
INFO 66   Our commitment can make the world better: Promoting Migrant's rights (II)
INFO 67   Our commitment can make the world better: Encourage God's necessity
                 and the religious tolerance (I)
INFO 68   Our commitment can make the world better: Encourage God's necessity
                  and the religious tolerance (II)
INFO 69    Women called - Our consecration (I)
INFO 70     Women called - Consecrated
INFO 71     Signs of hope in difficult times
INFO 72     SS.CC. Embrasing change... to keep on giving time
INFO 73     Youth and Vocation Ministry... Experiences... Challenges...
INFO 74      Our commitment can improve the world... Pastoral care of Education
INFO 75      Our commitment can improve the world... Ministry in the Local Church
INFO 76      Our commitment can improve the world... Social Projects
INFO 77      Initial Formation... To form the heart

INFO 78      Unity Brothers-Sisters... A gift received from the Spirit

INFO 79      Secular Branch - Sacred hearts Spiritual Family

INFO 80      Territory of Northern Europe-Quebec

INFO 81       Territory of Spain

INFO 82       Territory of Africa

INFO 83       Council of the Congregation 2020-2021

INFO 84        Territory of Peru-Brasil-Mexico-Bolivia

INFO 85        Territory of Ecuador-Colombia

INFO 86        Territory of Chile-Paraguay

INFO 87        Territory of Pacific-USA

INFO 88        Territory of Asia

INFO 89         Integral Ecology

INFO 90         Volunteering, building espaces of hope

INFO 91          Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue

INFO 92          Walking with the Global Education Pact

INFO 93          Sharing with the Good Mother

INFO 94          Fraternal Life

INFO 95          Praying community, bringing the heart closer to the heart of God

INFO 96          Communities inter: cultural, generational, congregational

INFO 97          Missionary Community

INFO 98          In sinodality

INFO 99          Recalling the journey we took 

INFO 100        Together we walk in faithfulness and hope



Henri Systermans  (1958-1970)  (see Spanish)
Patrick Bradley  (1982-1994)
Build a more just world
Communion in Mission (chapter IX)
Our SSCC Vocation and Mission
Enrique Losada (1994-2006)
Circular letters
Javier Álvarez-Ossorio (2006-2018)
A conversation in the family, vol. 1  (Collection of letters published in INFO 2006-2012)
A conversation in the family, vol. 2  (Collection of letters published in INFO 2012-2018)
Alberto Toutin (2018-2024)
INFO 127   Echoes of Assisi
INFO 128   Pastoral Compassion
INFO 129   A longing
INFO 130   Whose side are we on?
INFO 131   The importance of the "how"
INFO 132   A Church "in progress"
INFO 133   Pastoral and missionary conversion - in three dance steps
INFO 134   The family of Jesus' disciples: attracted by the newness
                   of the Kingdom of God
INFO 135   Surprised by God
INFO 136   And where are we looking?
INFO 137   A check-up on the health of the body of the Congregation
INFO 138   Lessons from a manger: pastors are part of the people of God
INFO 139   The longed-for Church of the Manger
INFO 140   Pastoral and missionary conversion. An unpredictable grace.
INFO 141   The secret of two... is God's
INFO 142   The powerful force of intercession
INFO 143   Restoring the bonds
INFO 144   Speaking to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
INFO 145   The unimaginable and inspiring stregth of the vows
INFO 146   The joy of being with the brothers
INFO 147   Another perspective
INFO 148   Fraternity. A dream and a shared passion.
INFO 149   Love stripped away
INFO 150   About our Economy
INFO 151   Children of the promises of God
INFO 152   God's mercy rejects no one
INFO 153   Grateful tears
INFO 154   A bloodied INFO
INFO 155   A people of Brothers and Sisters
INFO 156   "The poor you will always have with you" (Mk 14:7)
INFO 157   The Creed of Tears
INFO 158   Journeying together changes us
INFO 159   In the shadow of the oak tree
INFO 160   The service of listening
INFO 161   Stellar news
INFO 162   Brothers; what will be left of us?
INFO 163   The urgent need for closeness
INFO 164   And you God, where are you?...
INFO 165   A difficult resurrection
INFO 166   Storms and the Spirit of Jesus
INFO 167   Scanning the future
INFO 168   The world upside down
INFO 169   Sustained by prayer
INFO 170   "Wasting time" with God and with our brothers and sisters
INFO 171   Angels for the forgotten
INFO 172   I believe in the Church
INFO 173   "But it shall not be so among you" (Mk 10:43)
INFO 174   Let us rejoice with the Church
INFO 175   Deo Gratias!
INFO 176   "In whose service I wish to live and to die"
INFO 177   The humble tenacity of the Kingdom
INFO 178   Called anew to collaborate in God's Work
INFO 179   The paths that change us
INFO 180   People to listen
INFO 181   Unexpected gift for 2024
INFO 182   A feast for the conversion of the heart
INFO 183   "Miracles of spring"
INFO 184   Marana-tha, "Come Lord"
INFO 185   The discrete shepherding of the Father
INFO 186   Passionate and close